Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fickle Follicles Hate Shaving

I saw some nerdy TV program recently that said that evolutionarily speaking, human skin is most advanced. Apparently our sweat glands are pretty far ahead of the game, and as we learned to live in different climates (by building better shelters, making warmer clothes, etc.) hair adapted to be less and less important to our survival.

In this way, hair is primitive. Makes sense then that most of our hair left over from the evolutionary process is located in primal areas: the pits, the chest, genitals, around the ass hole. [Side note: what benefit to survival does having hair that wraps around your shit logs and gets ripped out by the roots as you push have to mankind, is far beyond me. Intelligent design, my ass! lol]

Anyway, I have a feminist friend who insists that women who shave anything at all [CLARIFICATION: I spoke with her by chance last night, and her theory is for women who haven't NOT ever shaved, therefore they have no basis to make an informed choice... I see her point] are just victims of male-dominated society that falsely equates hairlessness with femininity. But isn't that viewpoint an affront to each woman's individual freedom and personal choice to shave? Are women really only driven subversively by male dominance when it comes to their body image? Is it not beyond the realm of possibility that hair is uncomfortable and some women prefer to be smooth according to their own sensibilities?

And on the flip side, what then about men who prefer to shave their faces? On which undue societal pressure can we blame men's drive to remove their beards? Could we not argue that men shave because their women prefer to kiss a smooth face? Which brings us full circle, what of men who choose to shave their face on their own accord, because they like it that way? Not to mention the comfort factor.

In what other ways, dear reader, can one's hyper-liberal views lead to a hypocritical conservatism?

Fact is women and men can and do shave whatever they want for whatever reason they want all over the world, and have for centuries. By observation, though, not all hair is privy to being shaved, and not all people can shave without dire consequences.

Take for example shaving the pubic area in whatever form. It's done for surgery, vanity, some cultures and tribes do it ritualistically, I've heard even of some modern religions doing it. Probably for most people, shaving their pubes results in red bumps, days of itching and scratching, the stubbly hair being grated back and forth, stuffed into underwear and pants, getting irritated all day with each step and bend. Those who can shave it all bear without discomfort certainly have this author's envy!

Speaking of which, there are only a few parts on my body I can shave without getting a rash. My toes (I know, right?), my face, neck and scalp, my cock and balls, my perineum and asshole. That's it. I tried to shave (I used Nair type depilatory actually) my chest once but it turned to a firepit of ingrown hairs. I shaved my thighs once and it resulted in the same living hell, not worth the days of discomfort for even a second of smooth bliss. I waxed my hairy ass cheeks and regretted it for weeks. Damn it!

I still SO miss my ex girlfriend who could shave it ALL without a bump, itch, or ingrown hair. Her body was an evolutionary step toward having no body hair at all. None of her follicles protested to being shaved, and thus eating her pussy was like diving face-first into a cream pudding pie. You could just get right in to the goods, no comb, curlers or mustache wax required to get the mess out of the way and get to munching! Her pussy was like smooth velvety white chocolate mousse and just as sweet. Wow.

In closing, who is to judge why anyone shaves anything? It's their body and their choice, and though sometimes the hair reacts in unpleasant ways, shouldn't it always be up to the individual? And shouldn't they be allowed to have their own reasons? I say yes. And get to shaving!

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