Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I love to eat pussy. Good healthy pussy, that is. The more natural and organic foods she eats, the sweeter the nectar, typically. Yeast infections or pH imbalance aside, not all pussy tastes good. Some sweet, some tangy, but the most important factor is how well her pheromones mesh with yours.

The last time I had sex with one of my lovers, I could not complete the task. We were rushed and I lost my erection. Later I decided it was because there was not enough foreplay. I wanted to play with her pussy too, not just fuck it.

Eating pussy well is, well, easy. Just think dunking for apples, think pie eating contest. The first order of business is to forget all you've seen in straight pornos. Guys in pornos eat pussy like it's poison. A few licks up, a few licks down, stick your tongue out as far ass possible so you don't have to get your face close. Remember that pornos aren't trying to show you how to eat pussy, they're just trying to keep the guy out of the way so you can see the pussy. A good cunt eater knows that it's not what you see but what she feels. So get in there!

Pay attention to her movements and you can get a silent sense of what works for her. Most men don't even know where the clitoris is, and many mistake the urethra for the clit. I'm sure many-a-lady has suffered through a bout of mistaken anatomy, as he went to town on the wrong part. Nice work, Eunice.

Rarely you will find a woman with the courage to give directions, and rarely do you find a man who can take them. But careful attention to her details, and perhaps a tender question, "does that feel good?" will show her that you're not just going through the motions. Compliment her, say how nice she looks down there, how sweet she tastes, how smooth her skin is. Many women are self conscious about their pussies in general, so a genuine compliment can go a long way to enhance her enjoyment. It's good to remember that women's erotic triggers are different than men's. Find out what they are, and commit them to memory.

Some men do not enjoy cunnilingus. That's fine, but I suspect they are not practicing on the healthiest pussy, or perhaps the chemical mix with their own body is just wrong. I feel sorry for these guys, because an hour or two at the trough can be sweet slippery bliss. I have been with a woman where her pussy was so incredible, I feasted at the banquet table for quite some time, came on my own without her knowing, got hard again and slipped on a condom. When she was about to go mad with desire and asked if I had a condom, I was already locked and loaded and shoved my dick right in without hesitation. She was in the director's chair, and it made for great sex.

A mastering of cunnilingus is easy with patience and persistence. Take directions. Pay attention to detail. Bury your face in there, find the right zones with her help and don't stop until she's trembling like thunder.

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