Monday, December 1, 2008

Keith Olberman, True Patriot

I just saw this for the first time last night. It is the most compassionate and rational monologue on the Prop 8 issue that I have ever seen or heard. It is absolutely beautiful, and brought tears to my eyes.

Gay marriage is beyond any doubt an issue of civil rights. I've posted about the subject before, so I won't repeat myself here, but I'd like to offer an observation after reading many of the comments posted on YouTube.

It just confirms my belief that Christians are the most hate filled people of all the world. They claim to follow Jesus Christ, yet they delight in ignoring his most important message: love your enemies. Go back and read your good book, you fools; and try not to overlook the obvious message again as you scour the pages for "proof" that your god hates homosexuals. Realize that you have let your hearts become corrupted by the Great Deceiver, for your paradigm is one of hatred, bile, and poison. By fostering such anger, you have merely become an instrument of Satan. You are the epitome of hypocrisy.

Though I know all about the Christian faith, I don't believe in that dogmatic hogwash anymore. Keeps my heart and mind from becoming clouded with bigotry again.

UPDATE: I don't know what I was thinking, no religious nut bag would even chance upon this blog or this post, unless of course their hypocrisy runs far deeper than I imagined. This did get me thinking though, that most of the world's problems today are caused by religion, either directly or indirectly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you got that right. and i think you can leave out 'indirectly'. religion is the source of nearly every war that is waged and unrest that is felt. If you look at all the hotspots in the world, religion is the root of discontent. It is pretty nuts.
And regarding the prop 8 issue. Yup, the good christians and mormons could look past their historical disagreements to agree on this one. It has often been said that church is the most segregated hour of the week. They are usually referring to race, but i think it is fair to extend it to sexual orientation too